扫描全能王付费版v4.0.0.0222 特别版

扫描全能王 | 扫描文档、管理文档、同步文档、分享文档。扫描全能王提供最智能的文档管理方案。手机、平板、电脑变身随身携带的扫描仪、文件库,随时随心编辑文档,快速同步,时时分享,有效沟通;注册用户免费获赠200MB云存储空间,收费版或edu等教育邮箱注册用户,免费再增加200MB云存储空间,更有其它丰富奖励任务。同步分享更高效,协同管理更方便,团队沟通更及时;全球200多个国家和地区, 30,000多家教育机构, 超过1亿用户,每天都在享受扫描全能王给工作、生活带来的便利。

CamScannerV3,扫描王,扫描全能王付费版,CamScanner Phone PDF Creator FULL,saomiaowang,saomiaoquannegwang,pdf扫描,文档扫描,安卓扫描软件



– New Design Material design style
A sense of movement and transition transition, reflect the information logic, using more natural
– consistent and clear application of icons and icons, so that information is consistent, consistent with the use of expectations
– a clear hierarchy, highlighting the main features of the user more friendly
Optimized interaction and vision, the use of more simple and easy
– can be used to select multiple document pages, move or copy to another document
The document can be selected according to long – sharing, locking, merging, labelling, upload
– BlackBerry browser, can remake or delete a page of a document
– increase multiselection mode select all button
– Tag page, long press label to edit
– can be used to save the selected multi page, multiple documents to the album
– open the document, long press the document page, you can drag sort
– senior account user, you can select the multi page puzzle


by Balatan、n.gowda

– 所有功能已解锁,无需Key许可证密钥!

普通账户和高级账户区别(人民币 300/年)


扫描全能王 v4.0.0.20160222 官方版+许可证

扫描全能王付费版 v4.0.0.20160222 特别版本

http://yunpan.cn/cVzRSFujy6qs9  访问319f

http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o6sxl5C 访问swmx
